Not only Finch waiting on t competents further unmatched in the courthouse lawing for *******! Jem stiffened. Mrs. Duboses shot had gone and she k raw(a) it: Yes indeed, what has the existence accompany to when a Finch goes against his raisings? Ill tell you! She put her eliminate to her mouth. When she displace it away, it trailed a long silver thread of saliva. Your fathers no damp than the ******* and trash he works for! (Lee 135). This quote was utter by Mrs. Dubose when she utter to Jem and observatory, which revealed that she was racist. The quote showed that she was racist because she felt that genus Atticus was handle for defending Tom Robinson in court. She was an old lady, which believed that filthy slew are nothing but trash, and should but treated as such. She went by this racist belief because when she was move uping up, slaveholding was practiced. That nightspot made it look okay to portray grisly citizenry as trash and that whites are super ior to them, and she subdued went that corresponding principal to the day she died. What are you doing in those overalls? You should be in a dress and camisole, young lady! Youll grow up waiting on tables if somebody doesnt change your ways-a Finch waiting on tables at the O.K. CaM-hah!(Lee 135). This quote was said by Mrs.

Dubose, when she spoke to watch while she was passing by her house to go to the townspeople square. This quote showed that Mrs. Dubose was an old believer that females should not stick out overalls. Mrs. Dubose as well as displayed integrity when she stood up for her beliefs. She ha d self-appointed herself as the manners pra! ctice of law, according to the standards she was raised(a) with. The way she was raised, was that children were expected to respect their parents and separate elders. Mrs. Dubose made a point to call the kids on it whenever they were playing out of contention according to her values. When she yelled at Scout and told her that she should be tiring a dress and camisoles!,she was not able to accept the new values that the Finch family had embraced. She had a...If you want to get a full essay, dictate it on our website:
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